The Inn: Overnight guests stay in the Inn, where each person has their own private room. Each room has a twin bed, armchair, writing desk with bench, and a sink. Bathrooms (men’s and women’s) are in a central hallway. Bedding and towels are provided.

The Lodge: All visitors use the Lodge, which has the Yoke Room, a large sitting room for worship and other gatherings, a foyer, kitchen, dining room and bathrooms.

For weekend retreats we provide homemade, family style, vegetarian meals which include eggs and dairy. (We accommodate allergies and dietary restrictions when we can, and may ask some guests to bring supplemental food.) Guests take turns helping serve and clean up after meals. For day retreats visitors bring a bag lunch.
Group Rentals
We welcome groups to come for a quiet day or for weekend retreats which run Friday evening through Sunday lunch.
Silent retreats are a great way to deepen the spiritual life and strengthen community. Our mission is to host groups for day or overnight silent retreats. Dayspring welcomes churches, non-profits, prayer and meditation groups, businesses and other groups which seek a place set aside for quiet prayer, rest and reflection. For 70 years visitors have been refreshed and nourished by the spirit and beauty of Dayspring.
Please contact us to learn about rates and to see which dates are available.

Getting Here
From DC area, take the Beltway (495) to 270 North. Travel north on 270 to exit 15 A, for Rt. 118 North. Take 118 North through several stop lights to Rt. 355, Frederick Rd. Turn left on Rt. 355, heading north, and take a quick right on Neelsville Church Rd. Travel about a mile on Neelsville Church Rd. and turn left at the sign for Dayspring. Once on the property follow the signs back to Silent Retreat.
From the North, take 270 South to exit 15. Turn left on 118, heading north. Take 118 North through several stop lights to Rt. 355, Frederick Rd. Turn left on Rt. 355, heading north, and take a quick right on Neelsville Church Rd. Travel about a mile on Neelsville Church Rd. and turn left at the sign for Dayspring. Once on the property follow the signs back to Silent Retreat.
From Baltimore, take 70 West to exit 68 for Rt. 27. Follow 27 south to Rt. 355, Frederick Rd. Turn left on 355, Frederick Rd. Turn left on Shakespeare Blvd. Turn left on Neelsville Church Rd. Travel about half a mile on Neelsville Church Rd. and turn left at the sign for Dayspring. Once on the property follow the signs back to Silent Retreat.