Theme – Refugia: Hidden Shelters for Preserving Life in a Time of Ecological and Cultural Peril
“If destructive forces are building under our lives, then our work in this time and place… is to create refugia… Even now, we can create small pockets of flourishing… to protect life, so that the full measure of possibility can spread and reseed the world.” –Kathleen Dean Moore, Great Tide Rising
“My work is loving the world” –Mary Oliver
In this time of silent retreat, we will listen and reflect on stories of refugia in the natural world, in human culture, and in the depths of our own hearts. Even now, especially now, as much that surrounds us in our world feels overwhelming, we are called to creativity, to courage, to resilience, and to a love both humble and fierce.
Leaders: Jim Hall and Cheryl Hellner are both experienced retreat leaders who are founding members of the Dayspring Earth Ministry.
Weekend retreats run Friday dinner through Sunday lunch. The silence begins Friday night after dinner when the leader opens the retreat and introduces the theme. The leader usually offers brief reflections with morning and evening prayers on Saturday. The silence ends after breakfast Sunday morning with a time of sharing and worship, followed by lunch and departure.
The cost for weekend retreats is $275. A $125 deposit is required to register.
Dinner on Friday at 7 pm is the first official gathering. You are welcome to arrive and settle in between 3:30 and 6:30 pm on Friday. The retreat will end by 2 pm on Sunday. Please plan to stay for the entire retreat.