Theme: The Necessities of Our Peace
“There is a widespread feeling of despair and feeling of futility not only about the present times but also about the future. There are many reasons for this attitude; indeed, the reasons are not far to seek. At such times as these it is good to remember…the good deed continues to be good, the kind word continues to be kind, the cup of cold water given to the thirsty continues to be refreshing and reassuring–the need for love is as urgent and as desperate as it ever was. Faith in life, faith in one’s self, faith in one another, faith in God: these are the necessities for our peace.”
If these words of the 20th century African American minister and theologian Howard Thurman (1899-1981), written 80+ years ago, ring true in your life, work, and world at present, come away for a weekend of Sabbath grounded in silence, select prayers and meditations from Howard Thurman, and contemplative chants.
Leader: Ridgeway Addison, seasoned theological educator, Baptist minister, musician, and Thurman scholar.
Weekend retreats run Friday dinner through Sunday lunch. The silence begins Friday night after dinner when the leader opens the retreat and introduces the theme. The leader usually offers brief reflections with morning and evening prayers on Saturday. The silence ends after breakfast Sunday morning with a time of sharing and worship, followed by lunch and departure.
The cost for weekend retreats is $275. A $125 deposit is required to register.
Dinner on Friday at 7 pm is the first official gathering. You are welcome to arrive and settle in between 3:30 and 6:30 pm on Friday. The retreat will end by 2 pm on Sunday. Please plan to stay for the entire retreat.